Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Goodness of Alfalfa

The parts used are the leaves and the flowers. Alfalfa contains both health building and healing properties. It helps to assimilate protein, calcium and other nutrients. The contents are well balanced for complete absorption. Alfalfa is rich in chlorophyll. I used chlorophyll for detoxification, infection fighter and deodorizer. It breaks down poisonous carbon dioxide and is rich in trace minerals. It eliminates retained water, relieves urinary and bowel problems. The enzymes help to neutralize cancer in the system. The liquid is easy to prescribe for elderly people.

Alfalfa is rich in Vitamins A, K and D. It is high in calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium.

For children, this is a must after a course of antibiotics. It neutralizes the side effects of antibiotics and restore back their appetite.

If I contracted a persistent cough which I can ill afford to, as I have heaps of lectures to conduct, I will gargle concentrated Alfalfa chlorophyll for a full five minutes before swallowing it down. Believe me, it does stop the cough in 5 minutes time and I can go on speaking for a hour or so before I need the next dose.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Kill that persistent sore throat!

My remedy to treat sore throat is gargle of apple cider vinegar. The mixture is one teaspoonful of vinegar to a glass of water.. One mouthful of the solution is gargled every hour and swallowed after gargling. This is followed by a second mouthful, used in the same manner. The object of gargling and swallowing the solution is that it will reaches all parts of the lower throat.

As soreness in the throat lessens, intervals between gargling may be changed to once every two hours. I learned that this ritual could also cure a streptococcic sore throat in twenty four hours.

I have been taking apple cider vinegar for the last ten years, daily in my drinking of liquid. It gives me a nice complexion, clears my urinary tract, and leaves my throat healthy. I used to take Chlorophyll to cure my sore throat but now, I have apple cider vinegar to do that job. Use the organic apple cider vinegar. It does make a difference.

Apple cider vinegar can also be used for animals. A farmer, whose cows cannot get pregnant, was given a dose of apple cider vinegar in the drinking water daily. A month later, all the cows were pregnant and young healthy calves were born.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Animal Laws

City children have no idea about farm animals and thus do not know about the animal laws. In spite of their knowledge about modern drugs, they know very little about animal laws.

When an animal is sick, it will refuse to eat. By fasting, it creates within its own body, a new biochemical state that will assist it in recovering. For human being, the opposite is true. When we are sick, we often eat food that are brought to us. By consuming more meat, deep fried food and oily food, we are giving more work to the body. Instead of resting the body and giving it time to cleanse itself, we are actually burdening it even more.

To imitate the laws of the animals, we should fast by limiting ourselves to drinks such as grape juice which contains tartaric acid or cranberry juice which contains citric, malic, quinic and benzoic acids or apple juice which contains malic acid. Now, 2000 years later, modern science is telling us that we should take in lots of fruits to prevent illnesses.

We learned that hen tucks in her beak into her feathers so that when she sleeps, she will breathe in warm fresh air. The fox sleeps by covering her face with her bushy tail so that the air it breathe will be warm. Horses stand with their back to the wind. These animals do not get colds. So, should you sleep with your window open and your head underneath the open window? Not unless you want to get a cold and ask for a medical leave.

Friday, June 20, 2008

The Power of Papaya Leaves

Papaya leaves can be used to cure dengue fever. I have recommended this usage since 2002 when there was an outbreak of dengue fever. A mother came to me asking for my assistance because her 10 year old son has contracted dengue fever. The son was warded in the General Hospital but the fever was still rising. The doctors have given him paracetamol to the maximum allowable but the temperature is still rising. I have a very worried mother here.

I told the mother to pluck some young paper leaves, make an infusion of it and let her son drink half a cup every half an hour until the fever starts to come down. Since her son is in the quarantined ward, she is the only person allowed in. She brought the papaya drink to her son and did as instructed. Within one hour, the temperature dropped and within 48 hours, her son was out of danger. This method and recipe was given to a lot of children who are suspected of contracting the dengue fever and it does bring the fever down quite quickly.

A simple cure for a transmittable vector disease. Trust the power of papaya leaves.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Creating awareness on drugs addiction issues

Drug addiction can happen to anyone. People takes to drug mainly due to pressure and stress. They feel that they could not cope with the situations and that the easy way out is to take some chemical substances that will relieve their senses. Drugs are easily available, as long as you have the means to pay for them. When I talk about drugs, I am not only referring to the heroine, morphine or what we called stimulant drugs but the more commonly drugs prescribed over the counter. Drugs like sleeping pills, pain killers which many people take for granted are potentials for drug addictions to occur. It is these drugs that are more likely to get people to be addicted but the worse thing is that, nobody is aware of these addictions because these drugs appear harmless, or at least your doctor says so. The very act of habitual prescribing and heavy dependence on these so called harmless drugs is already considered drugs addiction.
At the California Drug Treatment center, drug rehabitation programs are available for residents of California at an affordable costs. There are many types of programs and we suggest that you give a call to one of our many counselors to help you. It is important that you let our counselors assess your situations. There are Drug Addiction Rehab program for hard core drug addicts. These programs have enjoyed a high success rates with most graduates at the center. So much so that you can afford to readmit drug addicts who failed to be free of the drugs addiction or relapse after a period of time. This is an important feature as there is no one hundred per cent full proof drug rehab program that will succeed on the first time.
Substance Abuse Rehab program is targeted at addicts who are either addicted to drugs prescriptions or on dangerous chemical abuse such as glue sniffing. There are many teenagers or school drop outs who cannot afford the more expensive refined drugs. Instead they have resorted to cheaper versions such as glue sniffing, which can be fatal. Cough syrups have also been used by teenagers to achieve a hallucination effects and can caused addiction habits to be formed among school drop outs.
We advised parents and guardians, as well as teachers and heads of educational institutions to keep a look out for substance abuse among the young ones. It is better to prevent than to cure.

Monday, April 28, 2008

King of Blood Purifiers

Echinacea stimulates the immune response very effectively. It increase the body's ability to resist infections and stimulate the production of white blood cells. It also improves lymphatic filtration and drainage and helps to remove toxins from the blood. It is considered one of the best blood cleansers and called king of the blood purifiers. It is good for the prostate gland. It is used for persistent coughing and helps to relieve the symptoms.

I have used it now and then and found that it helps one to recover quite quickly from flu and cough problems.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Keeping your eyes bright

Eyebright aids in stimulating the liver to clean the blood and relieve the conditions that affect clarity of vision. Traditionally, it has been used as a remedy for eye problems such as failing vision, eye inflammation, conjunctivitises, ulcers and eye strain. It also provides elasticity to the nerves and optic devices responsible for sight.

I thought this will be useful for all of us as we spent considerable hours on the screen. I have a friend who worked in the stock market and spent 8 to 10 hours on the computer, watching the stocks. He developed eye strains problems, making it painfully difficult for him to read at night or see in the dark. I recommend him to take eyebright tablets daily and he gained considerable improvement in his eyesight.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Chinese Hibiscus

Originating from China and the Pacific islands, the Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Malaysia National flower has been accredited with wonderful therapeutic properties. It has been widely used in the traditional medicine of both the chinese and Indians. In the Philippines, the flowers are a household remedy and are used in all kinds of inflammation whilst in the Ayurvedic medicine, the flowers are uses as a heart tonic and a blood purifier.

The leaves and young flower buds of hibiscus are used as a poultice for treating boils and swelling. The Red flowers are used to regulate menstruation but when combined with papaya seeds, they can caused abortion.

A decoction of the roots is used to treat fever and venereal diseases. The flowers is also used as an exspectorant for bronchitis. The leaves and flowers are used to treat skin diseases, mumps.

To the Indians, the flowers are used for curing gastric ulcers as the flowers are said to possess a soothing effect on the mucous membrane that line both the respiratory and digestive tract. It is also believed to possess aphrodisiac properties and used as a brain tonic. The chinese used it to treat minor stomach, intestinal and kidney problems. For the ladies, it is used internally to improve complexion and considered as good blood purifier.

Pharmacology studies have been done using rats. There is no apparent toxicity. In mice, oral administration of the benzene extracts of hibiscus flowers at a dose level of 1g/kg body weight from day 5-8 of gestation led to termination of pregnancy in about 92% of the animals. The glycoside constituents isolated from hibiscus exhibit hypotensive effects (lowering of blood pressure) in dogs at dosages of 40-80 mg/kg. Blood pressure remains low for 1-2 hours.

Hibiscus has been marketed as herbal remedies, teas and cosmetic. In the cosmetic industry, hibiscus is used as contouring lotion for inhibiting fat production and stimulation of fat breakdown.

Monday, April 14, 2008

KING OF BITTER - from Cobra Venom to Diabetes

This annual herb is indigenous to South East Asia, China and India. I have this planted in my backyard and regularly plucked three leaves for making a decoction of it.

The plant, scientifically known as Andrographis paniculata is given as analgesic, laxative, expectorant, digestive, stomachi, antipyretic and also used for treating diabetes, fever,worm infections, chronic bronchitis,leprosy, pruritis, flatulence, colic,dysentery,diarrhea and skin diseases.

It is also used for treating snake bite (anti-dote to cobra venom) and female disorders. A decoction of the leaves is often taken orally to cure diabetes and high blood pressure.

It is very bitter (that is why it is called King of Bitter) and very effective for tonsilitis, fever, flu and chest pain. We used to juice the leaves to apply to area of snake bites and stings of insects.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Getting rid of the flu

I had a look at the sites for health and I find a number of interest in flu vaccination. There seem to be a rush for the flu vaccination in USA and other Europe countries.

The at risk groups are the elderly with particular problems in the upper respiratory airways and other illnesses.

I am surprised at the surge of urgency to have these shots. I was wondering why, with all the advances in medical research, nobody tell this old folks about simple prevention methods that only costs a few cents per day and it will keep them free from this infections, plus they have other benefits that come along with it.

It is surprising that the rich ,who are also the elderly have very little knowledge about nutritional medicine such as simple vitamin C from fruits. The big market is now in the research on tropical fruits that have fantastic values that were unheard of in the west. Two fruits are now being utilised as juice drinks and are taking the world by storm in terms of amazing curative power.

They have been traditionally called the 'King of the Fruit' and the 'Queen of the Fruit'. Even the locals who have been taking them are unaware of the curative power in these fruits. Now science is breaking grounds and I am so lucky to have both fruits in my Katzs city. The King of the Fruit will be coming up ,followed by The Queen of the Fruit (which is said to have curative power for HIV even).

I am off now to the library to do some research on these two fruits and to take some good photos of these two wonderful fruits. The King of the Fruits happen to be just in season. Will keep you blogiters posted in my next round.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Spicy Sex Life

Is the daily grind of work, home and kids sapping your sexual urges? One needs to destress but try these exotic herbal tonics to put the passion back into your relationship.

Damiana - Perfect for people who have trouble achieving arousal, as it produces tingling sensations in the genitals. Made from leaves of a shrub, the recommended dosage is one to two 400 mg capsules when needed.

Muira Puama - This tree extract is good for men and women with low sex drive, as it stimulates nerve endings in the genitals.The recommended dosage is 1.5 g daily for two weeks, then only when needed.

Ginkgo - Especially good for males with erectile dysfunction, this stimulant improves blood flow to the genitals. A maidenhari tree extract, the recommended dosage is 40mg-60mg up to three times a day.

St.John's Wort - This herb boosts sex drive in people suffering from stress, exhaustion or anxiety. Made from dried leaves and flowers of a common shrub, the recommended dosage is 300mg three times daily.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Herbal TeaTime Anyone?

Mums, Homemakers, Queen of the Kitchen, it's time to pampered ourselves. Herbal tea infusions have been popular for centuries for their therapeutic properties. They relax, revive and taste great too. Combining the benefits of herbs with the taste and scents of fruits, herbal infusions are great pick-me-ups.

Try some of these.

At breakfast: Drink rosehip, orange and rhubarb. They help detoxify your body gently, giving your energy levels a lift.

After Lunch: Try peppermint. It's a well-known aid for digestion.

Mid-Afternoon: Enjoy blackcurrant, ginseng or vanilla infusion. It will give you an immediate boost.

Bedtime: Unwind with a cup of chamomile. It's renowned for its relaxing properties.

Any time of the day: A cup of elderflower, strawberry ad rose will both calm and relieve stress.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Heady lemon grass

Some good things in life still come fairly cheap, lemon grass for instance and most other herbs too. if you have tried cutting or pounding lemon grass, you will feel that this lemony bulb has appeal. Slit lengthwise or bruised, the scented base releases its full flavor to why curry, soup, meat or vegetable dish that requires simmering. The citrus fragrance and physical appearance of bruised lemon grass fried over slow heat is quite unlike anything else.

Steep it in curries and suck its pungent juice or fry the pounded lemon grass till dry. Hmmm...any which way you treat this herb, its heady scent can only leave you hungering for more of such goodness. Sliced and pounded, mix together with shallots, turmeric and shrimp paste or belacan, lemon grass or serai as it is commonly known here adds a distinctive taste to spicy concoctions. It is featured in the familiar tom yam soup, the Vietnamese staple of lemon grass chicken as well as in a myriad Malaysia, Thai and Indonesian dishes.

It is also believe that the herb helps expel 'wind' from the body. In some countries, lemon grass has been combined with other herbs to treat fevers, irregular menstruation, diarrhea and stomach aches. In East India and Sri Lanka, it is known as fever tea. it is also one of the more popular herbs in Brazil and the Caribbean for nervous and digestive problems. The Chinese use it to treat headaches, colds, stomachaches and rheumatic pains.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Benefits of Dandelion

Dandelion is a traditional herb which is widely used by physicians to cleanse and tone the liver, stimulate bile flow and prevent gallstones.

Supplementing your diet with Dandelion Complex will ensure a healthy liver and bile function, a healthy digestion, relief of indigestion, heartburn and gastritis.

It also provides relief of fluid retention and inflammation. In some cases, it can also help in the control of obesity.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Evening Primrose Oil

Prementrual Syndrome (PMS) is a malaise that affects many women. The severity of it of course varies, depending on the individual. Few women do anything to alleviate tech symptoms, accepting tech aches, mood swings and bloatedness as part of 'that monthly curse'.

However, there is a natural relief to alleviate PMS symptoms. Evening Primrose Oil has been shown to be beneficial to relieving the symptoms of PMS. Evening Primrose works by minimizing bloatedness and breast discomfort. It also helps reduce irritability and depression brought on by PMS.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Botanical baths

Botanicals are a great way to add zest to tub time. Just place them in a scrubbing sack made of cheesecloth and steep it in the tub water before you get in . You can use on especial fragrance or go for a potpourri. Basil stimulates the intellect, relieves stress and cures the blues, while rosemary stimulates the memory. Sage will give you an invigorating all-over body soak.

If you use essential oils, add a few drops of shampoo or liquid soap to help the oils disperse more quickly.
Try lavender to promote alertness or rose oil to cure depression, insomnia, tension and stress. Neroli eases anxiety, hysteria and exhaustion while orange blossom promotes the healing of scars.

Lavish lavender
1/2 cup dried lavender flowers or 1 cup fresh
1/2 cup dried rose petals or 1 cup fresh
1/2 cup dried lemon verbena or 1 cup fresh
1 muslin bath bag or a pair of old nylons

Combine and place in the bag or the nylons. (if you use a bag, secure the top tightly with string; nylons should be knotted.) Tie the bag or nylons under the tap so the water can run through it, stimulating the aromatic properties. Float the herbs as you soak. Close your eyes, lie back and breathe in and out gently. You'll feel calm and ready for bed after 20 minutes.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Hair care

Here are some tips for your hair care. Just head to the kitchen to get your tresses sorted out naturally.

Dandruff - mix a few drops of rosemary with two tablespoons of olive oil and rub well into the scalp before bed. Shampoo and rinse out thoroughly in the morning.

Limp Hair - Mix two eggs in a blender with 50ml mineral water and 15ml of cider vinegar or lemon juice. Blend for 30 seconds at low speed. Massage well into the scalp and rinse with lukewarm water.

Fragrant tresses - For lovely herbal-scented locks, crush a few dried bay leaves with a rolling pin and mix with a handful of dried chamomile flowers and a handful of rosemary. Place in a large jug and fill with 1 litre of boiling water. Strain after 2-3 minutes and mix in 5 ml of liquid soap or gentle shampoo. Apply to the hair, massage well and rinse thoroughly.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Ginseng goodness!

Chinese ginseng is the most potent and pricey. It grows wild int eh remote mountains of Manchuria and is believed to prolong life through regular consumption. The Korean variety is considered 'heaty'. It is said to be effective in enhancing blood circulation and physical energy. American ginseng, as it name indicates, is indigenous to tech United States. Said to be 'cooling'. It is prescribed for weakness of heart, indigestion, dry throat, fatigue, menopausal depression and acne.

A 1985 research review by Japanese Pharmacologist said that ginseng promotes homeostasis by maintaining steady blood pressure, blood sugar and energy levels. It's effectiveness is attributed to saponins, a class of chemicals found in many herbs, which have therapeutic properties. Research in China and Japan suggests that saponins protect the heart and liver. They have antioxidant effects, which may account for the longevity claim of ginseng.

Kanazawa Medical University in Japan reported that saponins were able to return human liver cancer cells to normal in a test-tube. Beside saponins which are found in the outer layer of the root, ginseng also contains amino acids, chlorine, carbohydrates, ascorbic acid and vihydrates, ascorbic acid and vitamin B complex. The quality of ginseng is usually determined by the cotnent of the saponins. The more the better. As the saponin content increase with age, only plants six years and older have roots with therapeutic value.

General, wild ginseng is considered superior to the cultivated variety. Chinese medicine shops sell them in several grades. The larger the root, the older it is, the more potent and of course, the more costly. Buy from reputable medicine shops to ensure authenticity. Ask the herbalist how to prepare the root to get the most of its goodness.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Popular Fixes

There are several other alternative medicines that have therapeutic value and hence are hugely popular. Some of them are:

Aromatherapy - This form of therapy involves tech use of essential oils during a massage. They can also be used in the bath, inhaled, dabbed on pulse points, used as compresses and occasionally but only under proper direction, ingested.

Reflexology - Or zone therapy as it is commonly called, is a form specialized foot massage which concentrates on specific areas on the soles of the feet. These areas or zones are though to be connected to the major organ systems of tech body. Stimulating and kneading these points is believed to enable therapists to detect an treat several conditions and ailments afflicting the body as a whole.

Hydrotherapy - Spa treatment or "taking the waters" is probably one of the oldest and the most natural forms of therapy. Form showering and sea-bathing to sitting in a warm bath or dipping at a warm natal spring, water stimulates blood flow, relaxes muscles, eases pain and invigorates tech system. Hydrotherapy is the use of water for special treatments sand with modern technology, the techniques may include steam baths, jacuzzi, aerated pools, fine shower sprays or sit baths.

There can be no disputing the fact that alternative medicines are definitely here to stay. Some of these alternative methods of treatment have their origins much earlier than that of allopathic medicine and have withstood the test of time. What remains to be seen is the extent to which alternative medicine is accepted as available alternative around the world and how fast the shift will take.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Ayurvedic Medicine

Ayurveda is an intricate system of healing that originated in India more than 6,000 years ago. There is historical evidence of Ayurveda in the ancient books of wisdom known as tech Vedas. It has become increasingly popular in the West as awareness grows and its benefits have become known.

The term Ayurveda is derived from two Sanskrit words. Ayur, meaning "life" and Veda meaning "knowledge" or "study of". Ayurveda is thus more than just a medical system, it is the science of life. The basis of Ayurvedic medicine is to achieve an equilibrium with one's true self by using the inherent principles of nature. The three basic forces (tridoshas) are:

  • Vata (like the wind), this force controls movement and the nervous system.
  • Pitta (like the sun), is the source of energy and controls bio-chemical and digestive proceses.
  • Kapha (like the moon), controls cell growth and tissue development.
Ayurveda believes that we are all made up of unique proportions of vata, pitta and kapha. The ratios of the doshas vary in each individual and because of this. Ayurveda sees each person as a special mixture that accounts for our diversity. When any of the doshas accumulate, Ayurveda will suggest specific lifestyle and nutritional guidelines to assist the individual in reducing the dosha that has become excessive. There may also be some herbal supplements prescribed to hasten the healing process.

Ayurvedic physicians believe disease can arise because of physical causes (infections and tissue degeneration, etc), mental causes (depression, prolonged anger, etc) accidental causes (blows, cuts,stings, etc) and natural causes (old age, wrong dietary approach, etc). These physicians examine the history of the patient, paying special attention to diet, the tongue , breathing and sleeping pattern and emotional and mental state of mind.

Monday, February 4, 2008


Consciously or unconsciously, this form of therapy has been practised in some form or other since time immemorial. Bathing a sprain or fasting when unwell is a form of naturopathy. It has had its famous proponents throughout the ages, including the ancient Greek physician hippocrates whose principal axiom was "First do no harm".

Naturopathy as a system of healing was first develop in the 19th century by a German therapist, Vincent Preissnitz. n the 1890s, American Benedict Lust was successfully treated by these methods under the care of an Austrian priest called Sebastian Kneipp and subsequently established a school of taining in teh US for it.

Naturopathy or "nature cure" is both a way of life and a concept of healing by employing various natural means of treating human infirmities and diseases. Though eclectic in scope, the philosophy guiding the practice of naturophaty is clearly defined as helping the body heal itself in the least invasive, most fundamentally curative manner possible.

A naturopathic cure follows this kind of programme:
  • Elimination of "evil habits" or the "weed of life" such as overeating , alcoholic drinks, drugs, the use of tea, coffee and cocoa that contain poisons, meat eating, improper hours of living, waste of vital forces. lowered vitality, worry, etc.
  • Corrective habits such as correct breathing, correct exercise, right mental attitude, etc, are inculcated.
  • New principles of living are instilled through proper fasting, selection of food, hydropathy, light and air baths, mud baths, osteopathy, electropathy, helicopathy, etc.
Naturopaths believe that illnesses arise as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle and poor posture. Restoring the body to a natural state by natural means allows the body to recover.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


The first record of acupuncture is found in the 4,700-year-old Huang Di Nei Jing (The yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine), claimed to be the oldest medical textbook in the world. it is said to be written based on theories by Shen Nung, the father of Chinese medicine.

Shen Nung theorized that the body has an energy running throughout it. This energy force is kn own as the qi (roughly pronounced, "chee"). The qi consists of all essential life activities which include the emotional, spiritual, mental and the physical aspects of life. A person's health is influenced by the flow of qi in the body, in combination with the universal forces of yin and yang.

Yin energy (reflecting the feminine side) is said to be "soft", "dark", "cold" and "dry". In a healthy person, yin and yang energies flow throughout the body and are in constant flux ever changing to produce balance and harmony. If the flow of qi is insufficient, unbalanced or interrupted, yin and yang become unbalanced and illness may occur.

The qi flows through 12 main channels or meridians and two accessory channels. All along the meridians through which the qi flows, there are acupuncture points where the qi can be stimulated and the flow corrected. So an acupuncturist will, after making his assessment, place needles along the selected points in order to correct any imbalances in tech flow of energy that has been detected.

Saturday, January 26, 2008


Chiropractic grew out of the dissatisfaction with the traditional approach of western medicine towards the problems presented by patients. David Daniel Palmer, the founder of chiropractic at the end of the 19th century, was disillusioned wight he use of modern medicine to adequately treat musculo-skeletal disorders.

Chiropractic is a branch of the healing arts. As a science, it is based on the premise that good health depends in part upon a normal functioning nervous system. When body structures such as cells and organs are functioning normally, a state of health or normal physiology is said to exist. However, when the body's physiology is abnormal, a diseased state begins.

Chiropractic teaches art within the body there are well-established "survival mechanisms" designed to maintain a state of good health. Nerve pressure or nerve reflex can cause a disturbance to the delicate body functions that result in an increased susceptibility to disease. Chiropractic seeks to alleviate the irritation to the spinal nerves by re-establishing normal spinal mobility.

Monday, January 21, 2008


Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician was one of the earliest person to advocate homeopathy as a treatment. Homeopathy means "similar suffering". Its basic principles include the notion encapsulated in the Latin phrase Similia similibus curentur - Like cures like".

Homeopathy is a scientific system of healing which assists the natural tendency of tech body to heal itself. it recognizes that all symptoms of ill health are expressions of disharmony within the whole person,so it is the whole person that needs treatment, not just the disease.

According to practitioners, homeopathic remedies work by stimulating the body's own healing power. This power is very great and many complaints heal them selves unaided. it is only when the healing process is faulty, blocked or slowed down that homeopathic remedy is needed to act as a stimulus to the curative powers of the body.

Homeopathy is the most holistic of all alternative medicines. Homeopathy believes in the "total cure" of the person an not just the superficial symptoms of the illness.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

The return of Alternative Medicine

The traditional western mode of practising medicine is undergoing a shake-up as more and more people are looking elsewhere for answers and turning back to the not-so-new practice of "alternative medicine". According to the Oxford Dictionary, alternative medicine is "any type of treatment that promotes health without using artificial drugs". A recent article on "Traditional and Complementary Healing" states that " alternative medicine is also termed complementary medicine".

Many alternative healing traditions have survived hundreds of years. Other systems such as homeopathy and psychotherapy and holistic treatment have come about more recently in conjunction with scientific medicine. These traditional medicines are now moving into the mainstream. Alternative medicine is the medicine of the 21 st century.

The term "alternative medicine' covers a vast range of activities which are grouped into various categories. The complete systems of healing have a theoretical base as tot he causation of disease in addition to their diagnostic, investigative an therapeutic understanding. In this respect, they share some similarities to orthodox medicine.

Most of these systems of healing have an educational framework and by and large consider themselves to be competent enough to deal with he problems that come their way.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Plant Power

According to the American institute for Cancer Reserach, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can reduce your incidence of cancer by 20 per cent, as they contain cancer-fighting antioxidants. The plant nutrients tend to work best as a team, so aim to eat a wide variety every day.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Herbs and spices in cosmetics

To Western ears jasmine and gingko biloba may sound exotic. But her in Asia, they're well-known. Indian women often wear jasmine flowers in their hair. And you'd be hard-pressed to find a Chinese woman who hasn't tasted herbal soups with ginseng or a Muslim woman who has never used inai (henna) on her hands and fingers.

Now these traditional Asian herbs and spices are turning up in Western based skincare and cosmetics. So we're finally getting the best of both worlds. For many years Asian flowers like gardenia, jasmine and yiang ylang have formed the core of floral perfumes. But now other Asian herbs like ginger are used for its warm and invigorating fragrance. There's a whole new class of 'green' fragrances such as leaves like bamboo to balance freshness and sensuality.

Plant extracts are used in most creams and lotions to moisturize and nourish, that's nothing new. But what's new is the increasing use of Asian herbs. Ginseng and gingko biloba help stimulate the skin so you look more radiant. Soy, which is high in protein and amino acids, helps to nourish and condition dry skin and hair. Green tea is a powerful anti-oxidant that helps to reduce the effect of wrinkle-causing free-radicals.

Alpha-hydroxy acids found in face cream might come from fruits like lime, papaya and mandarin. Kaolin, also known as Chinese clay, helps combat oily skin. Perhaps the best thing about the increased use of Asian ingredients is that we're getting products specially developed to suit Asian women.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Medicinal value of lemon grass

It's medicinal value has found faith with some Buddhist monks who serve lemon grass tea in temples as it reputedly has a calming effect. The leaves are infused in water as a cooling tea.
In the realm of aromatherapy, the oil from lemon grass is mixed with coconut oil to rub on those having painful nerve conditions, rheumatism or lumbago.

Some in the Caribbean believe lemon grass baths ease soreness. Lemon grass is easily available in wet markets and supermarkets. wrapped well in kitchen paper, it can be stored in the refrigerator for at least two weeks, though as with most food, the taste cannot beat that of freshly bought lemon grass. In appearance, its pale green, grass-like leaves leave much to be desired but its bulbous-liking, creamish base, when cut open to expose mauve-colored rings amid the off-white surface, is quite something else.

It grows profusely in dense clumps throughout the tropics. As part of your own herb garden, just put some old lemon grass in soil and it will spread like wildfire, even by the side of the drains! However, experts say the soil must be well-drained and dry, for excessive watering will lower the oil content. Lemon grass is a natural insect repellent and it adds a citrus fragrance to potpourri.