Saturday, January 26, 2008


Chiropractic grew out of the dissatisfaction with the traditional approach of western medicine towards the problems presented by patients. David Daniel Palmer, the founder of chiropractic at the end of the 19th century, was disillusioned wight he use of modern medicine to adequately treat musculo-skeletal disorders.

Chiropractic is a branch of the healing arts. As a science, it is based on the premise that good health depends in part upon a normal functioning nervous system. When body structures such as cells and organs are functioning normally, a state of health or normal physiology is said to exist. However, when the body's physiology is abnormal, a diseased state begins.

Chiropractic teaches art within the body there are well-established "survival mechanisms" designed to maintain a state of good health. Nerve pressure or nerve reflex can cause a disturbance to the delicate body functions that result in an increased susceptibility to disease. Chiropractic seeks to alleviate the irritation to the spinal nerves by re-establishing normal spinal mobility.

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