Sunday, September 16, 2007

Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder

ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder is in a lot of children and yet our schools, teachers, Principals and parents are not in a position to identify this problem.

If your child is exhibiting behavior problems and has not been diagnosed with attention Deficit Disorder, try answering these 10 questions.

· Does your child have a difficult time following directions?

· Is your child disorganized?

· Does your child have difficulty accepting no for an answer?

· Does your child exhibit opposition in his or her behavior

· Does your child repeat the same behavior patterns over and over again?

· Does your child do or say things impulsively with out thought or consequences?

· Do you find that you do not enjoy your child’s company at restaurants or while visiting friends etc?

· Does your child have difficulty making and keeping friends?

· Do you find it difficult to like your child?

· Is your child’s chosen method of dealing with most situations an attempt to manipulate his or her way around the problem?

If you answer Yes to all of the above, would you like to help your child to cope with his or her problem rather than avoiding or ignoring the problem?

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