Sunday, September 16, 2007

The 14 Signs of an ADHD

The American Psychiatric Association lists fourteen signs, or which at least eight must be present for a child to be officially classified as ADD or ADHD. These fourteen signs are:

1. Often fidgeting with hands or feet or squirming while seated

2. Having difficulty remaining seated when required to do so.

3. Being easily distracted by extraneous stimuli

4. Having difficulty awaiting turn in game or in group activities

5. Having difficulty in concentrating on a task and completing it .

6. Having difficulty in following instructions

7. Having difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities

8. Often shifting from one uncompleted task to another

9. Having difficulty playing quietly

10. Often taking excessively

11. Often interrupting or intruding on others

12. Often not listening to what is being said

13. Often forgetting things necessary for tasks or activities

14. Often engaging in physically dangerous activities without considering possible consequences

Remember, diagnosis is best done by a qualified expert such as child psychiatrist, psychologist or pediatrician.. There is no cure for ADHD. Treatment involves stimulant drugs to relieve the symptoms of ADHD. Research indicates that heavy long term benefits of medications are very limited. Parents must be advised on the side effects of the medications. However, the doctor can advise on the choices available to counter the side effects.

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